Sunday, August 28, 2011

Some ME time (well me and some of Minden's past citizens)

What would YOU do if you had a morning to spend to yourself?   (Well Jake wouldn't wake to go with me... so I ended up alone) 

Take pictures of a historic cemetery?  OF COURSE you would!     Well maybe you wouldn't.. but me?  I'm all over that.    I'm not warped (much), it just takes me to a happy place.

I have been wanting to photograph the Minden Cemetery for a couple years now and never made time to do so.  I needed to go to Minden today, so I decided this was my opportunity.

Was it creepy being alone in the cemetery?   Not at all.. kind of peaceful.   Just me and the headstones.   I probably didn't wear the best shoes.. had on my flipflops.  :)  My boots were in the truck.. but when I got there.. I was too anxious to start exploring the cemetery.  

Minden Cemetery has some rich history, but for the most part, very humble headstones.  No large angels (my favorite...)   And far less military graves marked.   But modest and ornate headstones I admired and respected just the same.

 I enjoyed my time alone.   It is a time that I can think of colors and angles and life and God and the past and the future.   It's MY time.   It's therapuetic.   It makes me whole.    I crave this.   The aloneness, but the comfort of knowing I will go home to my menfolk.    And I've not done this  several months, go spend time taking pictures for the sake of taking pictures.   For me, this is almost as satisfying as fishing.. almost.

When I got home to do some editting, I think I was in a black and white mood.. I converted so many over.   But this one is straight from the camera... no edits (except for the red  I added that):

See the Orb???  I wasn't alone out there.   Ok...Ok... I admit it was probably just the reflection of the sun off my lens.. but the orb thing makes for a much better story
I hope everyone has that thing, that place... your cemetery exploring, fishing, amatuer photography, walk in the park, etc,...For me I find this inner peace and reflection always tends to be outside.   Find that place that you're alone and surrounded by God.    We all need it.... a place, some time, the reflection, some pray in the outdoors.    It makes us better people, wives, moms, citizens, employees, etc,..    It makes me a better version of me.

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